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I was nervous about the new 9th class exams, especially when the news came about a change in the CBSE exam pattern and introduction to the variety of questions. But MCQ Khajana made it easy for me to understand and solve them with their detailed answer explanations. MCQ Khajana is awesome!

MCQ Khajana really helped me with my 10th class exams. Those tricky questions, especially MCQs used to stress me out, but practicing on this site made me feel confident. Thanks to MCQ Khajana, I'm doing great!

I really liked MCQ Khajana’s quizzes and practice tests. They covered every topic with different types of questions. Finally, I found something that gives me numerous attempts to practice.

I was so confused when news about increasing weightage for MCQs in the CBSE exam came out until I joined MCQ Khajana. They provided 1000+ MCQs with detailed answer explanations at a very minimal price. Thanks, MCQ Khajana!"
